Thursday, May 25, 2006

i'm a clayniac !

has anything ever been more sublime? had a more perfect symmetry ? left you feeling more satisfied, yet chilled to the bone?
no i'm not talking about taylor's relentless march to victory. i'm talking about that other moment in last nights visionary bit of bliss we call IDOL. take one freak show uber-queen celebrity wanna be, add one freak show uber-queen celebrity, and you have
one of those transcendent moments which somehow rise above mere spectacle. clay, clay, clay. all i can say is, someone in tv land loves me. when did they start marketing to 35 year old gay men? more like tent city!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


it's been hectic lately,but i had to share the great news! .....i've gotten my australian visa! i'm officially a permanent resident of the great commonwealth of oz. yes not a republic just yet, but we'll worry about that later. god save the queen.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

London...the big day continues...

London...the big day....

The day began early with Gabe doing hair. Breakfast cooked by me for the gang, and lots of photos taken by everyone.
Here are just a few.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

London... day 2....

Slept in, as was deserved then filled the day with "before the wedding day" activities.
Suits pressed, batteries for camera's bought etc.
Girls went and bought granny undies to to stream the lines at M&S - quite the experience.

We went for a great walk up to the Barbican to meet Patrick for lunch in the few hours we had that weren't planned.
Great to see Patrick, acting up a storm in London and doing really well.
To bad we didn't we didn't take any photos together !

Had dinner that night back at Amanda & Marinka's apartment with Steven & Avril.
Cooked Lamb and Marisa popped over to say HI before the big day.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

London... day one....

I thought it was about time I started to post about our trip now that we are back & into the swing of things...

The whole trip came about because my dear old friend, prom date, room mate (for a time) & fellow world traveller,
Marisa was getting married to the lovely Will in London on 21st April.

So we flew out on Virgin Airlines bound for ol' London town on Tues 18th April.

I must speak to Sir Richard about his airlines - things aren't as good as they used to be, but thats another story.

Anyway we arrived mid morning Wednesday 19th, and made our way to Sloane Apartments in Sloane Square.
Fredrick, our great driver picked us up and I can highly recommend him if anyone needs a reliable driver whilst in London.

All the ozzies were staying at the apartments and Marisa and her family were next door so it was a little Melrose Place there for the entire wedding time.

By the way if anyone is going to London I definitely recommend the Sloane apartments - not to $$ and very nice.

So we arrived, checked in with Helene, who runs the Sloane then headed off for some food & coffee, met up with Marisa for a chat and to buy hair stuff, blow dryer etc as Gabe was to create the hair masterpiece (more later).

After that we caught up with Amanda, Marinka, Stephen & Avriel to organized the night, talk about our plans for the wedding and go shopping for some groceries.
Also went for a huge walk through Chelsea then back along the Thames.

Everyone had plans for dinner so Gabe & I went off together to this Italian joint off the Kings Road and ate, amongst other things a great artichoke salad which was delicious !!

EXHAUSTED.... we went home and collapsed looking for ward to day 2 - London

randi rhodes

La Rhodes was on The Dobbs again last night. as usual, i could smell the pheromones wafting through the tv. those two need to get a room already! her priceless final words, so self-consciously delivered, were " tiny slice of heaven as always Lou". classic.
the subject of the conversation among lou, randi, and two other guys i've never heard of, was bush's plunging poll numbers.
seemingly a topic which explains it's self. guy-who-i've-never-heard-of number one, however, raised a good point. beware the desperate man who has nothing to lose. words to live by.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

marisa's wedding

here are a couple of snaps.


this is just the tip of the proverbial. i'm not even going to try to narrate these photos, as they are pretty self explanitory.
suffice it to say....sicily...WOW !



