Wednesday, August 23, 2006

it's marvelous Melbourne

we spent a great few day w/ scott and paul discovering all the nooks and unexplored crannies of melbourne

Melbourne "the place to be"

little granty's birthday

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


ok, so its THE DEAD OF WINTER here and i hit the ground running. after grant picked me up, we came back to our beautiful new home and "hung out" for a bit. we then went to bondi beach for lunch at the iceburg club with robbie. now, mind you,it IS winter here.....and it was 70 and sunny with a light breeze. WOW.


two hours later, a crazy hail storm!!!

Monday, August 14, 2006

The goddess of radio, Randi Rhodes.......

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Other images from the weekend..

Sydney Park on a sunday... part 3

The Kite....

Sydney Park on a sunday... part 2

The monolith..

Sydney Park on a sunday...

The Chimney's

Oxford street. Saturday night.