Thursday, April 06, 2006

So I got home yesterday..

to discover that Gabe started us a blog.

I've been reading & browsing blogs for a while but the idea of us actually having one.. well, quite a different thing.

But we have a lot going on at the moment so it will be a good way of documenting the changes and movements in our lives.
As soon as Gabe's visa comes through we are moving to Sydney.
I'm originally from Australia but have been living in NY for 13 years.
Gabe's from New York so the change for both of us will be tremendous.

I just posted a list of links that we like to go to. Some informative, others just for fun. Hope you enjoy and if you have others that you think we'd like then leave a comment.

Anyway enough for now.
I'll leave you with some photos of our girls.. gotta love them.


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