Monday, July 31, 2006

Nona.. Still amazing at 85 love you ....

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Gabe, Lauren & Laura in Block Island..

A well deserved break
XX miss you guys...

the end of a lovely day in sydney..

and then a stroll around the piers..

sunny sydney in winter

had a chance to relax today and enjoy Sydney at last.
The lovely Tracey took me to a restaurant by the water and we had a great chat, really fantastic day !!!

the photos at last .......

Friday, July 28, 2006

super saturday in sydney

GOD... Looked at 11 places today. Probably saw another 8 during the week.
Oh whata week.....
Gabe get here soon....
trying to upload photos but AARRRHHH !!

Thursday, July 27, 2006


it's weird to have men come and pack up your entire life....
i guess it will be like an early christmas in 6 weeks when it all arrives in OZ.
we'll have forgotten what it looks like by then.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

waiting at the station.... where is he ...

still missing gabe in oz.....

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

missing gabe in Oz....

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

continental airlines... on board

I’m writing this at 38, 000 feet.

Freeway is stowed away in the luggage compartment and I think I’m finally relaxing a little.

The morning was way more emotional than I thought it would be and saying goodbye to Gabe was especially tough. We haven’t been apart in a while and the thought of not seeing him in NYC again was especially weird.

Freeway was ok in her cage but I hated leaving her in the Quickpak office, alone with all the noise and bustling of people.
After I checked my bags in (25 pounds over weight) I snuck back to see her but couldn’t go through with it, for fear of winding her up and her not settling down.
I had a lady peek for me and she said she seemed fine…. A relative term.

Anyway tears were shed in the terminal, the plane was delayed for an hour and the weather was close to 100 degree’s.
But we are finally on our way, first leg half done – thank you…

Monday, July 17, 2006

bon voyage grant

bon voyage grant

bon voyage grant

bon voyage grant