Tuesday, April 11, 2006

danny arrives....

my dear old friend from boarding school days arrives today .
haven't seen Danny for a few years so I can't wait.
catch up on all the news and reminisce about the old days.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

kerry on m.t.p.

our lovely and talented looser john kerry has seemingly learned nothing at all from his 2004 defeat at the hands of karl rove et al. his performance today on meet the press showed him to be the same intelligent, thoughtful, serious politico we all remember. there lies the problem. to stand up today and continue that tired "i made a misake in the way i talked about the war" line of crap, which didn't play the first time around, shows a complete lack of intuition or introspection. if you want our votes again sir, you'll have to do better than that. a lack of charisma is forgivable, providing you have something to offer in exchange.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

the folks..

Gabe's folks are coming to dinner in an hour.

Cheese followed by osso bucco & salad, then mascarpone with berries + some good bottles of wine.

Sorry, not enough to go around.

Kylie's blasting in the back ground - always helps the cooking process..

Should be a good night.

Friday, April 07, 2006

spy on me !

i'm feeling very left out here. no one is tapping my phone calls, stealing my identity, or hacking into my hard drive. i've never been conned or scammed, never been on a no-fly list, i dont even get spam! what gives? i'm temted to vote republican this fall, just in a vain attempt to play the odds of bieng classified an "enemy combatant" . i cant really be this undesireable can i ?

did the velvet mafia take down mandiva?

recent revelations about the american idol song bird's anti-gay church activities poped up just before the tuesday broad cast .
is it a coincedence that she was subsequently voted off ? i guess we know who had been voting for her all this time. not "in the name of jesus"

Thursday, April 06, 2006

me and jess(the ex)


we've just had the ex-wife over for dinner(potato gnochi with a valpolicella ripasa)
end one chapter and begin another

So I got home yesterday..

to discover that Gabe started us a blog.

I've been reading & browsing blogs for a while but the idea of us actually having one.. well, quite a different thing.

But we have a lot going on at the moment so it will be a good way of documenting the changes and movements in our lives.
As soon as Gabe's visa comes through we are moving to Sydney.
I'm originally from Australia but have been living in NY for 13 years.
Gabe's from New York so the change for both of us will be tremendous.

I just posted a list of links that we like to go to. Some informative, others just for fun. Hope you enjoy and if you have others that you think we'd like then leave a comment.

Anyway enough for now.
I'll leave you with some photos of our girls.. gotta love them.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


here we go

i'm waiting for my zuchini pie to bake up (better than it sounds),
grant is in the other room watching brian williams...haven't decided
weather we'll switch to katie...no, i think not.
he just got his divorce papers back today
wait, i just read that back to myself and i sound like a total girl,
which i'm not, not that there's any thing wrong with that.

yeah..we're nerds

just couldn't resist posting the photo below, i'm sure i'm the only one who thinks it's cute.